Study Help Essay Questions

1. In what sense is Howard Roark “selfish”? In what sense are Ellsworth Toohey and Peter Keating “selfless”? Discuss the revolutionary nature of Ayn Rand’s thinking on this issue. 2. Explain what is meant by the terms “first-hander” and “second-hander.” How does the conflict between men of these clashing methods […]

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Ayn Rand Biography

Personal Background Ayn Rand was born Alisa Rosenbaum in 1905 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Rand was raised in an upper-middle-class, European-oriented family, in the midst of the mysticism and nationalism of Holy Mother Russia (the fervent faith in Christianity, in the sinfulness of man, and in the moral mission of […]

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Character Analysis Gus Webb

Gus Webb is an avant-garde architect, another of Toohey’s followers, whose buildings are mere collections of boxes piled on one another. He lacks all standards of design, even borrowed ones; his stacks of boxes disregard all questions of a building’s function, its needs, its practical requirements. Like Lois Cook, Webb […]

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Character Analysis Lois Cook

Lois Cook is an outstanding example of the meaning of nonconformity. She defies social belief in beauty, attractive living quarters, and even personal hygiene. In this regard, she is far worse than Guy Francon, for he uncritically follows the best of society’s norms where Cook rebels against them. Worse than […]

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Character Analysis Guy Francon

Guy Francon is a mediocre architect who attains commercial success by consummate mastery of the social graces. Handsome, well-groomed, impeccably dressed, charming, and debonair, Francon wines and dines prospective clients at New York’s most exclusive restaurants. He offers the public impressive Greek columns and showy white marble fronts; his work […]

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